Global Risk and Insurance Brokers

The Benefits of Having Employer's Liability Insurance

For those with employees, it's a legal obligation to hold employer's liability insurance. As an employer, your foremost duty is to oversee your employees' safety and health, with a particular focus on preventing workplace-related health issues and injuries. Nonetheless, if, despite your best efforts, an employee suffers an injury or illness and attributes it to your organization, they may decide to pursue compensation."


On-the-job injuries

On-the-job injuries referes to unexpected incidents or mishaps that occur within a work setting, resulting in injuries, damage, or harm to employees, property, or assets. These incidents can vary widely, from slip and falls to equipment-related injuries.



Staff Compensation Claims

In the event that a current or former employee or volunteer initiates a claim against your company, this coverage serves as a shield against the financial burden of legal expenses required to defend the claim. Additionally, it provides coverage for any potential compensation that your organization might be obligated to provide.


Health and safety inspections

In situations where your insurance isn’t in order, or being unable to provide a certificate of insurance during health and safety assessments, may result in financial penalties.