Global Risk and Insurance Brokers

Safeguarding Your People

Group Personal Accident insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to provide coverage for individuals within a group, typically employees, contractors, or volunteers, in the event of accidental injuries. This coverage can extend to injuries that occur during work-related activities, off-duty hours, or even outside of the workplace, depending on the specific policy terms.


Financial Protection

Accidental injuries can result in significant medical expenses, lost wages, and other unforeseen costs. Group Personal Accident insurance helps individuals and their families mitigate the financial burden by providing compensation for medical bills and loss of income due to the injury.



Employee and Volunteer Retention

Offering this insurance as part of a benefits package can enhance an organization’s ability to attract and retain employees and volunteers. It demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of individuals within the group.



Peace of Mind

Knowing they have coverage in case of an accident, group members can enjoy greater peace of mind, which can lead to increased morale and productivity.




In some regions or industries, providing Group Personal Accident coverage may be a legal requirement to ensure the welfare of employees, contractors, or volunteers.



Encourages Participation

For groups involved in activities that carry inherent risks (e.g., construction, sports, volunteering in remote areas), having Group Personal Accident coverage can encourage more individuals to participate without fear of financial consequences in case of an accident.